Waveform data from the largest of the recorded PNG aftershocks is available below (save linked file):
Download 2018-04-07 0548 PNG 6.3 aftershock waveform file
The file format is compressed PC-SUDS and contains triaxial acceleration data from all six stations. Station location and other meta data are embedded in the channel information. The data can be exported to other formats (e.g. MiniSEED, CSV).
Files can be viewed by downloading “Waves” – available free for Windows, Mac and Linux from the Seismology Research Centre. Simply drag and drop the waveform file onto the Waves window to view the waveforms, and click the target icon link in the toolbar to calculate location and magnitude. The user manual for Waves is available here.
Note: the manually picked wave arrival times in the file are preliminary. The default earth model file and magnitude formula in Waves may not suitable for earthquakes in this region.