
President’s Report 2016 #1

The Australian Earthquake Engineering Society, in conjunction with the Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, hosted the 10th Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering at the Menzies Hotel in Sydney on November 6-8, 2015. The participants included…

Earthquake-Proof Skyscrapers?

Earthquake engineering is getting a lot more exposure recently, with websites like Gizmodo reporting on research into testing light wooden frames for large buildings - traditionally a material only used in small residential buildings in…

Structural Health Monitoring

Here is an interesting article from Queensland University of Technology about a structural health monitoring system embedded in one of its buildings. Buildings are typically noisy locations for seismic monitoring, but the recent earthquakes off Fraser…

Nepal earthquake report

AEES member Bipin Shrestha has prepared a report on his reconnaissance of the damage from the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake carried out on behalf of AEES. Download the PDF report (5MB)