
Tsunami Risk in Australia

Australians are well versed in the homegrown natural hazards that we encounter every year, from bushfires in summer to storms in winter, cyclones up north and flooding along our rivers. But we don’t often stop to…

PNG Aftershock Network Data

Following the magnitude 7.5 earthquake in PNG in February 2018, AEES provided some funding for an aftershock monitoring mission, where two AEES members, Gary Gibson and Kevin McCue, travelled to PNG and installed 6 strong…

Shaking in Darwin: an EqEng Perspective

On the 26th of June, AEES member Helen Goldsworthy from the University of Melbourne did an interview with ABC Radio about the effects of the June 24 earthquake in the Banda Sea on buildings in…

Report from PCEE 2019

Report from PCEE 2019 At least 470 delegates travelled to Auckland NZ for this year’s Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering. The conference doubled as the annual NZSEE conference so not surprising that most of the…